⚙️Trade Settings
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The Settings button in the top right corner gives you control over your transaction parameters.
In the Settings you can change the following global parameters:
Prioritization Fee
Jito Tip
According to the Jito's official recommendation says that the Prioritization fee should be 70% and the Jito tip should be 30% of the total transaction costs. Source: https://docs.jito.wtf/en/latest/lowlatencytxnsend.html#tip-amount
For example, if the total fee amount you are willing to pay is 0.001 SOL, the prioritization fee should be 0.0007 SOL and the Jito tip should be 0.0003 SOL.
We are currently working on a game-changing feature that will automatically set the Jito tip + prioritization fee based on real-time average blockchain transaction costs.
The goal with this is to drastically increase the success rate confirmed transactions while minimizing the cost that would otherwise be higher with hardcoded Jito tip + priority fee.
While it's impossible to get to 100% transaction success rate (since some bot traders pay obscene amounts in fees, which you would almost never want to outpay), we'll strive to get the percentage of successfully confirmed transactions to above 90%.